Tattooing is an art form that involves injecting ink into the skin. This process requires the use of equipment and materials that need proper handling and protection, such as needles, inks, and gloves. Choosing the right gloves for a tattooing session is crucial not only for the client's safety but also for the artist. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of gloves available and how to choose the right gloves that suit your needs as a professional tattoo artist.

1. Latex Gloves

Latex gloves are the most commonly used gloves in the tattoo industry due to their low cost and availability. These gloves offer good protection against bacteria and viruses, but they are not suitable for individuals with a latex allergy. A latex allergy can cause skin irritation, hives, and even anaphylaxis. As a professional tattoo artist, it is essential to consider your clients' allergy history and have alternative gloves available.

2. Nitrile Gloves

Nitrile gloves are a popular alternative to latex gloves as they provide better resistance to chemicals and a lower risk of allergies. These gloves are also more durable and puncture-resistant, making them suitable for longer tattooing sessions. However, some nitrile gloves can be less flexible, which can cause a loss of tactile sensitivity. As a professional tattoo artist, it is essential to find a brand that offers both durability and flexibility, such as the Nitriderm gloves offered at Trinity Supplies.

3. Exam Gloves

Exam gloves, which can be made of latex, nitrile, or vinyl, must have Canadian Health Board Homologation to be called "exam gloves." These gloves are commonly used in medical settings and are suitable for tattoo artists with allergies or concerns about skin irritation. They provide maximum protection against bodily fluids and bacteria. However, some exam gloves may be less flexible, making it challenging to grip small tattooing equipment. When selecting exam gloves, it is crucial to find a brand that offers both protection and flexibility.

4. Canadian health board homologation and licence

In Canada, the health board homologation and license is a mark of approval from the government that certifies that the gloves and your distributor have passed all the safety regulations. When purchasing gloves for tattooing sessions, it is crucial to look for gloves and distributors that have this approval. This will ensure that you are using gloves that meet the highest safety standards and provide the best protection for your clients and yourself.

5. Choosing the Right Gloves

Choosing the right gloves for tattooing sessions is crucial for the artist and the client's safety. As a professional tattoo artist, it is recommended to have a variety of gloves available that cater to the different needs of your clients and yourself. When selecting gloves, consider the following factors:

  • Material and suitability for allergies
  • Durability and puncture resistance
  • Flexibility and tactile sensitivity
  • Government approval and certification


In conclusion, choosing the right gloves for tattooing sessions is essential for the safety and protection of the artist and the client. It is recommended to have a variety of gloves available that cater to the different preferences and needs of the clients. When selecting gloves, consider the material's suitability for allergies, durability, flexibility, and government approval. By taking these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you are using gloves that meet the highest safety standards and provide the best protection for yourself and your clients. Stay safe, and happy tattooing!

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