Getting a tattoo can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience all at the same time. As a professional tattoo artist, it’s your responsibility to not only create stunning tattoos but to also educate your clients on proper aftercare. The aftercare process is just as important as the tattooing process - it can mean the difference between a stunning tattoo and a faded mess. In this blog post, we explore the world of tattoo aftercare beyond the basic needle and ink process.

Firstly, it’s important to emphasize the importance of keeping the tattoo covered for the first few hours after the tattooing process. Covering the tattoo with a bandage will protect it from bacteria and other environmental factors that may interfere with the healing process. But make sure to instruct the client to wash their hands before taking off the bandage to avoid introducing harmful bacteria to the fresh tattoo. Also, remind them not to re-wrap the tattoo unless instructed to do so by you.

If you gave a TegaDerm bandage for your client to apply at home, make sure the client doesn’t remove it before the recommended 7-10 day period. If fluid builds up in the bandage, they can carefully lift the corner to extract it. When it’s time to remove the TegaDerm, instruct them to be gentle and lift the edge whilst placing fingers on the top of the dressing to support the skin. Gently stretch the TegaDerm straight out and parallel to the skin to avoid any damage to the unhealed tattoo.

If you aren’t using TegaDerm, instruct your client to wash the tattoo with fragrance-free, antibacterial soap. Make sure they moisturize the tattoo regularly - dry skin can lead to a faded tattoo. A good moisturizer can help to maintain the color and prevent the skin from getting itchy and flaky. TattooGoo aftercare products could be a good option here.

As a professional tattoo artist, you want your clients to have a stunning tattoo that will last for a long time. Proper aftercare is essential in achieving this. Emphasize the importance of covering the tattoo for the first few hours, moisturizing regularly, and avoiding re-wrapping to your clients except with TegaDerm. And if you use TegaDerm or TattooGoo aftercare products, teach them how to use it properly. By doing so, you’re giving your clients the tools they need to maintain a beautiful tattoo for years to come.

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